Connecting web parts in sharepoint


I am trying to connect to simple webparts in my sharepoint team site, i need one of the webparts to filter its information based on what it recieves from another webpart

I am using the query string filter webpart and the a list view webpart but no matter how i connect them always i am getting this error

"Web Part Error: This page has exceeded its data fetch limit for connected Web Parts. Try disconnecting one or more Web Parts to correct the problem."

What should I do and what am I doing wrong

i can connect to web parts on some other pgae, but getting this error on the DispForm.aspx page of a certain item , is webpart connections not allowed there ??!!

Best Answer

There is an issue with creating QueryString filter webparts in sharepoint, when you're not using the Web UI (I'm making an assumption that you aren't).

This fella here has a post about it and how he hacked around the issue.

Another option is not using the QueryString filter web part at all, and just passing querystrings to a regular web part.

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