Rest – Consuming a REST service from WCF

resttwittervisual-studio-2008wcfweb services

I'm not that familiar with WCF, but I thought I'll learn while trying to consume an existing service.

One of the REST APIs I thought of was the Twitter API. I thought of developing a WPF client that will just output to the screen the last 5 tweets by a certain Twitter user.

I was wondering if someone could please briefly outline the steps I need to take in Visual Studio to consume these services, using WCF (classes, wizards, proxies etc.).I already know how to just call them using a web request and parse the XML that returns – I really want to see the WCF part at work.

Thanks in advance to anyoine who helps further my education 🙂

Best Answer

Check out Kirk Evans Creating a REST Twitter Client With WCF. The latest improvements to WCF in .NET 3.5 SP1 make many RESTful interfaces easier.

Also check out the Twitter WCF 3.5 API Declaration Library from the MSDN site.

Here's yet another example - WARNING as of 2/3/10 link is "borked"