R – Continuous integration – Best practices

build-automationcontinuous integration

I've been thinking about CI and automatic builds a lot lately and am interested in knowing if there are any best practices for setting up and maintaining a continuous integration environment. Do you keep all your CI related files checked in with your project source? How would you usually structure your CI and build files? Any tips are welcome!

Best Answer

  1. Start with a one step build. If you don't have that, you can not have any reasonable CI
  2. If it isn't in source control, it doesn't exist
  3. If setting up and maintaining your CI exceeds the effort of setting up a developer workstation then you are overly dependent on your IDE or your project structure is overly complicated. Consider that as a refactoring opportunity.
  4. You don't need anything fancy to do CI. You don't even need to know what it is to do it. I wrote about my earlier experience here, when I implemented a naive CI before I ever heard the term CI.
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