R – Continuous Integration with multiple projects/languages/environments

build-processcontinuous integrationhudson

I want to setup a CI server (Hudson) here at my place and already set up a test environment where I can build some of our projects. Right now I'm doing .NET and Java, but there are some other languages coming up.

One project really needs a special environment (3rd party software, compiler, Linux as OS) and I wondered if someone can give me an advice about how to do it.

  • Should I run another Hudson only for this project? I wanted to use Hudson on a spare Windows box, not on Linux. Building .NET on a Linux machine sounds complicated to me… 😉
  • Is there a way to have a "build-machine setup" where Hudson can delegate this project to another machine that is only there to build this single project?
  • Or should I stop thinking about this problem at all and let the one project go on without continuous integration? (probably the simplest but worst option, because I want to run Checkstyle/StyleCop features in my Hudson to check for code conventions and such…)[