Converting a string to int in Groovy


I have a String that represents an integer value and would like to convert it to an int. Is there a groovy equivalent of Java's Integer.parseInt(String)?

Best Answer

Use the toInteger() method to convert a String to an Integer, e.g.

int value = "99".toInteger()

An alternative, which avoids using a deprecated method (see below) is

int value = "66" as Integer

If you need to check whether the String can be converted before performing the conversion, use

String number = "66"

if (number.isInteger()) {
  int value = number as Integer

Deprecation Update

In recent versions of Groovy one of the toInteger() methods has been deprecated. The following is taken from org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.StringGroovyMethods in Groovy 2.4.4

 * Parse a CharSequence into an Integer
 * @param self a CharSequence
 * @return an Integer
 * @since 1.8.2
public static Integer toInteger(CharSequence self) {
    return Integer.valueOf(self.toString().trim());

 * @deprecated Use the CharSequence version
 * @see #toInteger(CharSequence)
public static Integer toInteger(String self) {
    return toInteger((CharSequence) self);

You can force the non-deprecated version of the method to be called using something awful like:

int num = ((CharSequence) "66").toInteger()

Personally, I much prefer:

int num = 66 as Integer