Create an EXE from a SWF using Flex 3 without requiring AIR


I have a simple little test app written in Flex 3 (MXML and some AS3). I can compile it to a SWF just fine, but I'd like to make it into an EXE so I can give it to a couple of my coworkers who might find it useful.

With Flash 8, I could just target an EXE instead of a SWF and it would wrap the SWF in a projector, and everything worked fine. Is there an equivalent to that using the Flex 3 SDK that doesn't end up requiring AIR?

Note: I don't have Flex Builder, I'm just using the free Flex 3 SDK.

Best Answer

In your Flex SDK folders you should see a 'runtimes\player\win\FlashPlayer.exe' which is a stand alone Flash player. Open your SWF with that and you'll see a 'Create Projector...' menu item in the File menu which will create the stand-alone EXE.

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