R – Creating asp.net membership pages in SharePoint


We have some asp.net pages that include the asp.net membership user controls for forms based authentication and would like to make use of these in a SharePoint MOSS environment.

Can anyone suggest the best place to deploy these and the best method for deployment, I was hoping to use solution packages to deploy them to the root of the site.

Appreciate any feedback

Best Answer

A good technique I've used previously is to make a copy of the standard SharePoint login page and make changes to that. There is an article by Damon Armstrong that describes how to do this. His article is good apart from making a copy of the _layouts folder which I believe is overkill. You can just put your amended copy of login.aspx and login.master in its own folder under LAYOUTS in the "12 Hive". Then configure ASP.NET to use these custom files with this directive in the FBA site's web.config:

    <authentication mode="Forms">
        <forms loginUrl="/_layouts/CustomFBA/login.aspx" />

As the custom pages are going under the Layouts folder they should be trivial to add to a solution file.

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