R – Creating SharePoint 2007 list items via the Web Dav interface


SharePoint 2007 (both Moss and Wss) exposes document libraries via web dav, allowing you to create documents via essentially file system level activities (e.g. saving documents to a location).

SharePoint also seems to expose lists via the same web dav interface, as directories but they are usually empty. Is it possible to create or manipulate a list item somehow via this exposure?

Best Answer

In short: No.

Longer answer: Kinda. Any item stored in sharepoint is in a list, including files. But not all lists have files. A document library is a list with each element being a file+metadata. Other lists (like announcments) are just metadata. Only lists that contain files are exposed via webdav, and even then you are limited to mucking around with the file - there is no way to use webdav (afaik) to edit the metadata.

Hope this helps.


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