R – CruiseControl.NET: Building a project in Debug and Release configurations

build-automationcontinuous integrationcruisecontrol.net

I am using CruiseControl.NET to build a C# project. I am using an msbuild task to achieve this. I want to build the project in both Debug and Release mode irrespective of whether either mode fails. But If I put these as two msbuild tasks in the 'tasks' section of the project and if the first task fails, the second is not executed.

I could define them as two projects, but I want the Label to be synchronized across both the projects. Is there a way to do this?

One solution I have is make the 'Release' config project to trigger a build whenever the 'Debug' config project is built. But in that case, If someone force builds the 'Debug' config project then, the labels will get out of sync.

Best Answer

To achieve what you want, I think you will have to use a custom task to call MSBUILD from a CMD file and pass the debug/release mode into MSBUILD via cmd line args.