R – CruiseControl.net duplicate NAnt timings

continuous integrationcruisecontrol.netnant

I'm trying to setup CruiseControl.net webdashboard at the moment. So far it works nice, but I have a problem with the NAnt Build Timing Report.

Firstly, my current ccnet.config file looks something like this:

<project name="bla">
 <nant .../>
 <nant .../>
 <nant .../>

As the build completes, NAnt timing report displays three duplicate summaries. Is there a way to fix this without changing the project structure?

Best Answer

Apparently this can be solved by selecting only the first <buildresults> node in webdashboard's NAntTiming.xsl. Because each duplicate summary contains the same info this change in <div id="NAntTimingReport"> section seems to be sufficient:

<xsl:variable name="buildresults" select="//build/buildresults[1]" />