R – DateTime in PropertyGrid in .Net


I'm currently working on some DateTime properties in a PropertyGrid in c#.Net. Im using the default drop-down datetime picker.

My question: Is there any way to show the full date with the time? By default the date is shown if no time is set, but I want zero-values aswell. I.e: I want "09.11.2009 00:00" to be shown instead of "09.11.2009".

Do I have to use some custom TypeConverter or Editor for this?
I feel so lost in this propertygrid and it makes me sad…

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks 🙂

Best Answer

Yes, you need your own TypeConverter. Derive it from DateTimeConverter and override the ConvertTo method. If you look this method in Reflector you will see this piece of code inside:

if (time.TimeOfDay.TotalSeconds == 0.0)
    return time.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd", culture);

Just remove that for example.
