R – Debugging Silverlight Applications


As hard as I try, I cannot get my silverlight app to stop on break points. I've tried both in and out of browser debugging.

Steps I've done:

  1. Repeatedly cleared my internet
  2. Made sure Silverlight
    debugging is enabled in my test web
  3. Made sure symbols are
    loaded by placing a reference to the
    silverlight app in my test web
    application. (I had the hollow red
    dot problem, but this fixed it)
  4. Restarted visual studio and the ASP.NET Development Server
  5. Made sure I was attached to the right process by manually attaching to either sllauncher or the browser hosting the silverlight app.
  6. Ensured that the xap file is being updated in the ClientBin directory after rebuilds.
  7. Cleaned and Rebuilt the solution multiple times.

From my searches, I've found that debugging issues are usually caused by one of the above, but nothing seems to work. It looks like I'm debugging, but the application never breaks. Anyone have any experience with this?

Best Answer

Check the properties of the Web Application / Site. In Visual Studio, Right Click --> Properties. Click the 'Web' tab on the lower left. On the bottom under the 'Debuggers' section, ensure that Silverlight is Checked.

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