R – Delegating UIScrollView doesn’t work – help needed!


I'm seriously losing my hair because of simple task which turned to hell. So I have UIScrollView subclass – MyScrollView and UIViewController subclass StoryViewController using that scroll view. I need to know when scroll is scrolled so what do I do? I try to delegate!

// StoryViewController.h
@interface StoryViewController : UIViewController <UIScrollViewDelegate>

// StoryViewController.m
// init
scrollView  = [[MyScrollView alloc] init];
scrollView.delegate = self;

// delegated function
- (void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)s {

Edit: Some NSLogs

Self: <StoryViewController: 0xfce090>
ScrollView Delegate: <StoryViewController: 0xfce090>
WebView Delegate: <StoryViewController: 0xfb1a30>

Edit:UIWebView subclass (MyWebView) which is subview of MyScrollView works fine and (void)webViewDidFinishLoad:(UIWebView*)webView (in the same storyviewcontroller.m) prints message.

No errors, builds fine, runs fine. After scrolling – nothing gets printed.

What am I doing wrong?

Best Answer

This may be a red herring, but you're calling alloc and init, rather than alloc and initWithFrame:. I assume you're adding the scrollView in your viewDidLoad method? Is this a XIB-based controller? Have you tried adding the scrollview in the XIB file, and setting things up there? Have you tried adding other delegate methods?

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