Delphi – How to re-enable a debugger exception notification


I opened a project (created in D2007/08) in D2009 and it would compile but throw tons of exceptions when executed. Strange thing, but I know the project's a mess, so I want to go ahead and fix it. Well, not really fix all of it, just make it work would be enough.

When I ran it, I got some Debugger Exception Notification (the little message dialogue with Break, Continue, Help buttons) and I wanted to proceed and see if would perhaps work when skip over the exception. I checked the little "Ignore this exception type" check box in the bottom left corner and clicked Continue. Now I no longer get the Exception Notification, but the application still doesn't run. I just get a couple of vague error boxes and have very little idea what's going on.

I would like to re-enable the exception type I previously selected to be ignored. But I can't find the option anywhere. Where should I look for this? Can anyone help?

Best Answer

I have found the ignored exception types in

(Main menu) Tools >> Options >> Debugger Options >> CodeGear Debuggers >> Language Exceptions >> and there is the list of exception types ignored.

It's somewhat more hidden than in D2005 but very close to what was said in the article referenced by Stuart Dunkeld.