R – Deploying a XAP file into ~/ClientBin using VSeWSS


I have a SharePoint (using VSeWSS 1.3) project that creates a WSP file which installs my custom content types. One of the type also installs a custom version of DispForm.aspx which is hosting a Silverlight control, located in the ~/ClientBin as a XAP file.

Is there a way in the ListDefinition.xml file to instruct VSeWSS to deploy my XAP file into ~/ClientBin as part of the WSP solution? I know how to deploy images to the TEMPLATES\images folder, but not to ~/ClientBin .


Best Answer

To get the XAP file into the ClientBin directory you could try this. Let the solution deploy the XPA file to a folder within the TEMPLATE directory (12 Hive). With a FeatureRecevier that triggers on the FeatureInstalled event you could then copy the XAP file from its location in the sub folder of the TEMPLATE directory to the ClientBin folder.

The FeatureUnistalled event can be used to remove the XAP file from the ClientBin folder when the solution is retracted.