R – Development machine IIS version vs deployment IIS version


My development machine is running Windows XP SP2 (and IIS 5.1 by implication).

Until recently our deployment environment was based around Windows Server 2003 (and therefore IIS 6.0).

We are about to move to Windows Server 2008 (and therefore IIS 7.0) for a new project.

Our projects use ASP.NET MVC and WCF Services.

Are there any key reasons for us to upgrade our development machines to run Windows Server 2008 (or possibly Vista, since this also comes with IIS 7.0)?

Best Answer

I would say it's in your best interest to upgrade your development machines to emulate as much of the production environment as possible within your means and resources. Otherwise you may fall into traps you're completely unaware of just by deploying an application from your development machine to the server's environment, which may pertain to differing versions of IIS, the version of .NET framework each machine is running, or just the way the code is compiled or executed at runtime.

Especially since IIS 7 has been vastly upgraded since IIS 5.1, why shouldn't you work closer with it's current functionality while developing before you missing out on some great opportunities? To really know what to expect from an application in production, develop it under the same circumstances.

Edit/Added: This link may help you see at least one significant example of how differing versions can affect your project.