R – Disable Intellisense in XAML Editor in VS2008


Is there a way to disable Intellisense in the XAML editor in Visual Studio 2008? It is often a big performance drain while typing, and sometimes I'll sit for ten or more seconds waiting while the list automatically popups up.

It appears that in Options->Text Editors->XAML, the Intellisense section is section is unavailable (grayed out). We open documents in Full XAML View, and don't use any third party enhancements.

It's so bad that sometimes I'll just open the file elsewhere and edit what I need, but I'd really like to get this solved so I don't have to use an external application.

Best Answer

Found my own answer:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0\Text Editor\XAML\Auto List Members 

Setting to 0x00000000 solves it.

The "Auto List Params" Key seems to have no effect. To top it off, you can still use <Ctrl+Space> to open it up on demand (for setting an attribute you can't think of the name of, etc.)

Pretty nifty!