– Disable Session state per-request in ASP.Net MVC

I am creating an ActionResult in ASP.Net MVC to serve images. With Session state enabled, IIS will only handle one request at a time from the same user. (This is true not just in MVC.)

Therefore, on a page with multiple images calling back to this Action, only one image request can be handled at a time. It's synchronous.

I'd like this image Action to be asynchronous — I'd like multiple image requests to each execute without needing the previous one to complete. (If the images were just static files, IIS would serve them up this way.)

So, I'd like to disable Session just for calls to that Action, or to specify that certain requests do not have Session state. Anyone know how this is done in MVC? Thanks!

Best Answer

If anyone is in the situation I was in, where your image controller actually needs read only access to the session, you can put the SessionState attribute on your controller


See for more info.

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