R – Disable viewstate loading for child controls


I have a lot of web controls created dynamically in an ASP.NET page. In certain postback scenarios (when I click a LinkButton), I want to skip the loading of the old tree of web controls and immediately generate the new tree. Unfortunately, when I generate the new tree, the viewstate of the old tree is loaded into it.

I want to be able to disable the viewstate loading process for this specific scenario, but after the new tree is loaded, the viewstate should work normally.

I've already solved part of the problem, by overriding the LoadViewState method of the web controls, but, unfortunately, this disables the viewstate specific for the control, not for his children too (textboxes, buttons etc.).

Is it possible?

Thank you.

Best Answer

You can try creating the new tree after the viewstate has been loaded, e.g. in Page_Load.

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