R – Displaying ® symbol in Silverlight



I am trying to display ® and superscript TM symbols in my silverlight app. I want to save the text containing the symbols in a resx file.

Things i have tried:

  • Copy paste the ® symbol from any document to resx file. ® symbol gets
    displayed in the resx file. But, when
    running the silverlight app,
    xamlparseexception is thrown.

  • Use unicode text &#174 instead of ® symbol in the resx file. Same
    xamlparseexception thrown.

My resx file encoding is utf-8.

Appreciate your thoughts!

Incorrectly mentioned @ instead of ®.

Redbox in the snapshot is how the symbol gets displayed in Silverlight. Bluebox is how it needs to be displayed.
alt text

The way the symbols are displayed are dependant on the font used. Also, displaying superscripts in Silverlight is a bit tricky. But, the simplest solution i found was to create the superscript text in Windows character map tool and copy paste it your app resource file.

Best Answer

The size of the ® symbol varies with the font being used. Some fonts draw it as a superscript others draw it as a standard character. For example the "Lucida Sans Unicode" font treats it like a Superscript where as the "Lucida Grande" font draws it like a normal character. Hence you need to be careful which font you use to render it.

I'm seeing a case in point just as I write this. The text box where I'm writing this in SO has the ® character as a superscript whereas looking at the preview box below the character is normal size.

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