R – Distributed bug tracker to go with DVC


We've pretty much licked the whole distributed thing for version control at this point. I'm not saying everything's perfect, but, from hereon out, it's mostly just a matter of continuing what has already been started.

Distributed bug tracking, though, is in its infancy stage, IMHO. It's rather inconvenient, not being able to work with an issue tracker on the road, especially since I have a tendency to forget what my changes over the past two hours were for. Yes, I know, I could just keep a log on the road and update a traditional tracker as soon as I get on the net again, but still… Keeping my options open and all that. 😛

Currently, I only know of Bugs Everywhere and Ditz— those, and the one that comes with Fossil. Of these, I think Fossil is the farthest along, which is not suprising, considering how tightly it's integrated with the version control side of the equation. I've had to jump through quite a few hoops to get my co-devs to even look at something other than SVN, but, if Fossil really is all that, I wouldn't mind doing it again.

Before I do, however, I want to ask older and wiser heads than mine: Do you have experience with these three? What do you think of them? Do you know of others? Please link to them, and let me know how they fared.

Best Answer

Fossil works as an 'easy to setup' Distributed Bug tracker , and has a nice autosync facility that lets developers share their bugs without intervention.

to get started,

  1. Download the fossil binary of your choice
  2. fossil new bugs.fossil
  3. fossil ui bugs.fossil (runs the server)

your developers do the same

  1. Download the fossil binary of your choice
  2. fossil clone
  3. fossil ui bugs.fossil
  4. set up a cron job to 'fossil sync ...' so the bugs propagate to all users as the fossil self-hosting repositories demonstrate

There is not much more to it than that.

Edit - take a look at Customizing The Ticket System too.

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