R – Do you know any run-time differences between Compact and Full Framework code


There are a number of run-time differences in compatible code between these two versions of .NET.

Here is a list of differences so far:

  • Graphics.DrawRectangle – differs by 1 pixel
  • Graphics.DrawString – Loses the line wrap if used with a StringFormat with both StringAlignments set to Center.
  • Most file operations – compact framework needs a full path
  • The status of a socket after BeginAccept
  • (In WinCE 5 at least) you cannot use a socket to send data synchronously with a timeout (without is okay but you risk hangs)
  • Bitmaps (all Image-derived classes really) behave differently in how their resources are cleaned up. – ctacke
  • The default font for labels and treeviews in the CF was larger – Darwyn
  • When a label is disabled in CF it is just grayed out (the full .net framewark outlines the text with another color) – Darwyn
  • Assembly paths are returned in a different format on the desktop from System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().CodeBase – Qwertie

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Best Answer

Depending on what you are looking for there is a Differences between .NET Compact Framework and .NET Framework article on MSDN.