R – Does silverlight code need protection


I don't quite understand how Silverlight code works within the browser. Are the assemblies downloaded to the client machine? Is there any chance of the code getting decompiled using Reflector or some similar tool? If so, what options does one have to protect the code? Do .net obfuscators work with Silverlight?

Best Answer

To view a Silverlight application the client download a .xap file that contains the dll and one configuration xml and optional resources. The dll contains compiled c# code that runs in a Silverlight runtime in client machine. Silverlight runtime is basically a subset of complete .net runtime. So the point is user gets the code in dll and then can use tools to get original source code. So at most you can do is obfuscation. Still for very critical code that should not be the option. You can use some other way (WCF or other webservices to hide some part of your code may be) if it shouts your need.

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