Drupal View/Block not displaying


Another Drupal question: I have a View of type Term that outputs a block. It shows taxonomy items from a single vocabulary and the Preview of the View shows this content correctly. Whatever region I assign this block to, nothing displays. I've set a title and empty text in the View but those don't show either.

I created several blocks the same way and they all display fine but this is the only one that has View type Term, so I have a feeling it's related to this but can not find an explanation for it.


Best Answer

I have actually seen something like this before. I ran into this a bit ago and had a dickens of a time fixing it. My problem was that I was sorting based on node title AND I was telling it to sort based on node created time. For some reason views only likes it when you sort by one and only one column. Check that.

Finally if all else fails, there are still two options.
1) the devel module. This module enables you to view sql dumps based on regions, etc. (The themer is very useful as well).

2) Look at your watchdog logs. Sometimes views throw errors from time to time. Check it out.

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