Eclipse: Can you format code on save

code formattingcode-standardseclipse

In Eclipse, under Windows -> Preference -> Java -> Code Style, you can define code templates for comments and code, and you can setup a code formatter.

I'm wondering if it is possible in Eclipse to have these setting take affect every time I save a source file. Basically, instead of me highlighting everything and pressing Ctrl+Shift+F, I want Eclipse to be responsible for making sure my code is formatted properly.

Is this possible and how do you set it up?

Note On Using the Auto-Format: It's probably best to choose "Format Edited Lines" as merging changes becomes very difficult when you reformat a whole file that is in source control already that was not formatted properly. Already did this to a co-worker.

Best Answer

Under Preferences, choose Java --> Editor --> Save Actions. Check the Perform the selected actions on save, and check the Format source code box.

This may or may not be available in previous versions of Eclipse. I know it works in:

Version: 3.3.3.r33x_r20080129-_19UEl7Ezk_gXF1kouft<br>
Build id: M20080221-1800