R – Enterprise Library 4: logging block flat file


I am having problem creating log entry to a text file. Here is my logging configuration in my ASP.net app.

and here is my vb.net code

db.ExecuteNonQuery(cmd, tr)
result = True
Catch ex As Exception
Dim entry As New LogEntry()
entry.EventId = 11
entry.Message = ex.Message

                End Try

All the tutorial and example that i found so far are based on older version of Enterprise Library. I'm using Enterprise Library 4. Does anyone know what i'm doing wrong? Is it my code or the configuration? Where can i find more tutorial on Enterprise Library version 4. I tried to follow the quick start that it come with but i can't make head or tail.

Best Answer

its a basic tutorial on using enterprise library 4.1


btw, to get mine to work, i had to change all the PublicKeyToken's to = null otherwise the web.config didnt validate, gl

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