Entity-framework – Entity framework linq query Include() multiple children entities


This may be a really elementry question but whats a nice way to include multiple children entities when writing a query that spans THREE levels (or more)?

i.e. I have 4 tables: Company, Employee, Employee_Car and Employee_Country

Company has a 1:m relationship with Employee.

Employee has a 1:m relationship with both Employee_Car and Employee_Country.

If i want to write a query that returns the data from all 4 the tables, I am currently writing:

Company company = context.Companies
                         .FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == companyID);

There has to be a more elegant way! This is long winded and generates horrendous SQL

I am using EF4 with VS 2010

Best Answer

Use extension methods. Replace NameOfContext with the name of your object context.

public static class Extensions{
   public static IQueryable<Company> CompleteCompanies(this NameOfContext context){
         return context.Companies
             .Include("Employee.Employee_Country") ;

     public static Company CompanyById(this NameOfContext context, int companyID){
         return context.Companies
             .FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == companyID) ;


Then your code becomes

     Company company = 
          context.CompleteCompanies().FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == companyID);

     //or if you want even more
     Company company = 