Error 2203 while extracting msi


I am getting 2203 error while extracting msi with following command.

msiexec /a "C:\Test\Installer.msi" /QB targetDIR="C:\Test\Eval" /LV* "C:\Test\INST_Logfile.log"

Please consider following points while answering:

  • Logged-in user and SYSTEM account has full access on

  • msi is not marked as ReadOnly.

  • Checked Windows installer service and it is working fine.

  • Tried unregister and register msiexec

  • Restarted system

Below is error captured in log:

MSI (s) (88:A4) [14:09:27:551]: Executing op: DatabaseCopy(DatabasePath=C:\Test\Installer.msi,,,AdminDestFolder=C:\Test\,)
MSI (s) (88:A4) [14:09:27:551]: Note: 1: 2203 2: C:\Test\Installer.msi 3: -2147287008
DEBUG: Error 2203: Database: C:\Test\Installer.msi. Cannot open database file. System error -2147287008
MSI (s) (88:A4) [14:09:34:634]: Product: Installer -- The installer has encountered an unexpected error installing this package. This may indicate a problem with this package. The error code is 2203. The arguments are: C:\Test\Installer.msi, -2147287008,

Best Answer

I had this problem due to something stupid on my part, but figured I would post in case anyone else tries this. For this extraction command line (and others I presume), DO NOT have the msi you are extracting in same folder as TARGETDIR. The windows installer seems to lock the folder during the extraction process and therefore the contents cannot be written to the same folder.

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