Firebase – Error: HTTP Error 400, The Request has errors. Firebase Firestore Cloud Functions


While I run the command firebase deploy I get this error:

i deploying functions

i functions: ensuring necessary APIs are enabled…

i runtimeconfig: ensuring necessary APIs are enabled…

✔ runtimeconfig: all necessary APIs are enabled

✔ functions: all necessary APIs are enabled

i functions: preparing functions directory for uploading…

i functions: packaged functions (4.04 KB) for uploading

✔ functions: functions folder uploaded successfully

i starting release process (may take several minutes)…

i functions: creating function followerNotification…

⚠ functions: failed to create function followerNotification

⚠ functions: HTTP Error: 400, The request has errors

⚠ functions: 1 function(s) failed to be deployed.

Functions deploy had errors. To continue deploying other features (such as >database), run:
firebase deploy –except functions

Error: Functions did not deploy properly.

Having trouble? Try firebase deploy –help

Everything else works without problems. Only when I trying to make something with Firebase Firestore.

Best Answer

This was happening to me too, then I realized that at the 2nd level, firestore only allows documents and not collections.

I was attempting to listen to this path:


You can either do something like



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