R – “Error: Mapping should be created with `aes()` or `aes_()`.”


I'm trying to build a simple histogram with ggplot2 package in R.
I'm loading my data from a csv file and putting 2 of the columns together in a data frame, like this:

df = data.frame(sp = data$species, cov = data$totalcover)

sp is recognised as a factor of 23 levels (my number of lines) and cov as 23 numbers.
Then, to build the histogram, I'm executing this:

ggplot(df, aes(df$sp, df$cov) + geom_histogram())

However, R returns the error: "Error: Mapping should be created with aes() or aes_()."

How is this possible if I'm already using aes? Is it maybe related with the type of the values?

Best Answer

I had the same error, even if I was using aes(). So I used "mapping" before aes()

geom_boxplot (df, mapping = aes(x= sp, y= cov))
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