R – Error URL for Prerrequisites Setup.exe Click Once VS 2008


I have this trouble:

I am using VS 2008 Team Suite, and I have WinForms csproj. I want Publish it using ClickOnce.

In Publish Properties of csproj, I have these values:

Publishing Folder Location (web site,
ftp server, or file path):

Installation Folder URL (if different
than above):

Publish Version:

Prerrequisites: Windows Installer 3.1,
.NET 35. sp1

Now, I publish and all is OK. I need deploy my app to several machines (Development, Preproduction, production environments…), and I use Msbuild…

    Destination="$(Directorio_Destination)\Publicacion" />

I copy C:\ClickOnce\Frk.Security.CarWin.WebInstall\Publicacion\ to another machine, in folder (this folder is root of a Web Site)



I use MSBUILD and Mage like this; variable $(ProviderUrl) = http://desiis/carwinclickonce/Publicacion/

<Target Name="PublishClickOnce">
    <Exec Command="$(Mage) -u $(PublishDir)\Frk.Security.CarWin.application -pu $(ProviderUrl)" />

    <Exec Command="$(Mage) -u $(PublishDir)\Frk.Security.CarWin.application -cf $(CertDir)\Frk.Security.CarWin_TemporaryKey.pfx" />

Now, I have my publish.htm in http://desiis/carwinclickonce/Publicacion/publish.htm.

There are two links to install application:
1. ) http://desiis/Carwinclickonce/Publicacion/Frk.Security.CarWin.application

Everything is OK for this option.

  1. ) http://desiis/Carwinclickonce/Publicacion/Setup.exe

This option gets errors!

The errors are the following:

Error al intentar descargar
(FAILS when try download

Vea el archivo de registro de la
instalación que se encuentra en
para obtener más información.

install.log contents:

The following properties have been
set: Property: [AdminUser] = true
{boolean} Property:
[ProcessorArchitecture] = Intel
{string} Property: [VersionNT] = 5.1.3
{version} Running checks for package
'Windows Installer 3.1', phase

BuildList The following properties
have been set for package 'Windows
Installer 3.1': Running checks for
Result of running operator
'VersionGreaterThanOrEqualTo' on
property 'VersionMsi' and value '3.1':
true Result of checks for command
is 'Bypass' 'Windows Installer 3.1'
RunCheck result: No Install Needed

Launching Application.
URLDownloadToCacheFile failed with
HRESULT '-2146697211' Error: Error al
intentar descargar
(FAILS when try download

Any ideas? Can I use Mage.exe commands? How can I modify setup.exe?


use msbuild for using setup -url=http://desiis/….

<Exec Command="$(PublishDir)\setup -url=$(ProviderUrl)" />

Another problem is that after using the /url switch to change out the URL, a message box appears for manually confirming that the signature will be invalided for the assembly.

  1. How can use setup -url=http://…. in silent mode?
  2. How can I sign the setup.exe again?

My msbuild

<Target Name="PublishClickOnce">

<Exec Command="$(PublishDir)\setup -url=$(ProviderUrl)" /> 
<Exec Command="$(Mage) -u $(PublishDir)\Frk.Security.CarWin.application -pu $(ProviderUrl)" /> 
<Exec Command="$(Mage) -u $(PublishDir)\Frk.Security.CarWin.application -cf $(CertDir)\Frk.Security.CarWin_TemporaryKey.pfx" /> 


Best Answer

To clarify, ClickOnce works. Your problem is with the setup.exe bootstrapper file that Visual Studio generates to install prerequisites. You use a bogus server name (CHANGETHESERVER) and change it later depending on what server you deploy to. The server name can easily be changed for the .application file but you're unsure how to fix the setup.exe file since it tries to launch http://CHANGETHESERVER/... after installs the prereqs. Is all this correct?

I'm not sure how to update your setup.exe file to point to the proper url. However, I wouldn't worry about updating it. I would go to Visual Studio, change "CHANGETHESERVER" to an actual server (like your Development server), and publish. The setup.exe that's generated will be good for the server you used. Keep a copy of that .exe and do the process again for your other servers (QA, Production, etc.). Deploy the server specific files to each server and you're done.

The setup.exe files aren't going to change unless you're adding/removing prerequisites. There's no need to generate and deploy a new one every time you deploy.

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