.net – Evaluating Sharepoint vs ASP.NET as a development platform


I am evaluating Sharepoint (not MOSS) vs ASP.NET as a development platform for an upcoming solution for our team. We will be developing a solution for broad (we hope) deployment across a variety of environments. I am identifying categories to evaluate pros / cons for each platform choice. I have picked categories that are applicable to our solution requirements and that will affect developer / tester productivity. Can anyone think of any other categories that would be appropriate for a comparision? Can anyone provide any detail on your experiences with the two platforms with regards to any of the categories?

Some other information, we have a short two month time-frame to release something, so we are prioritizing features as we speak. We see Sharepoint as a way to get something out the door quickly while leveraging the UI framework for a basic UI, security, and lists and document libraries for storage.

    Development Environment
    Developer Productivity
    Functional Testability
    Developer Testability (unit-testing)
    Role Based Security
    View-based Security
    User Experience
    Database – Easy of development with Sharepoint based on the use of lists. However, adding reporting as a requirement makes using lists a hinderance.
    Reporting – Sharepoint makes this difficult
    Document Repository – Our solution will require multiple document libraries to attach artifacts to solution elements
    Installation – Sharepoint provides us with easy famr installation via WSP.
    Conceptual Integrity (domain boundaries)

Redundancy/Replication/Backup/Recovery Support

Best Answer

I don't see cost.

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