Expand Recurring Events from a Sharepoint Calendar over WebServices

sharepointweb services

Is it possible to get a list of events (with recurring events expanded) out of Sharepoint's Calendar using the Web Service exposed through Lists.aspx?

This is evidently possible if you are using C# or VB, as described here using a snippet like this:

SPQuery query = new SPQuery();
query.ExpandRecurrence = true;
query.Query = "<Where><DateRangesOverlap><FieldRef Name=\"EventDate\" /><FieldRef Name=\"EndDate\" /><FieldRef Name=\"RecurrenceID\" /><Value Type=\"DateTime\"><Month /></Value></DateRangesOverlap></Where>";

I am trying to do the same using plain XML via cURL with this query:

<GetListItems xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/soap/">
<listName>{my guid goes here}</listName>
    <Query xmlns="">
      <FieldRef Name="EventDate" />
      <FieldRef Name="EndDate" />
      <FieldRef Name="RecurrenceID" />
      <Value Type="DateTime"><Month/></Value>

This kinda works – it gets all the list items, but recurring items are not expanded. The key seems to be the ExpandRecurrence property. Surprisingly, Google does not seem to have a lot to say on the matter beyond a couple of blog posts. Scouring the web, I've read a few comments indicating that the ExpandRecurrence property does not work, but others say it works fine and nothing I've read has struck me as definitive.

Has anybody tried this and gotten it to work without using C# or VB – just straight XML?

Best Answer

Finally got this to work correctly and return all recurrent events on a SharePoint Calendar. Here is the XML for the Web Service Query:

<GetListItems xmlns='http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/soap/'>
<listName>{your GUID goes here}</listName>
    <FieldRef Name=\"EventDate\" />
    <FieldRef Name=\"EndDate\" />
    <FieldRef Name=\"RecurrenceID\" />
    <Value Type='DateTime'><Year/></Value>

The key was not only setting the ExpandRecurrence option to true - you also have to include the value in the DateRangeOverlap to Year.

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