R – Flash Deep-Linking Causing Page Refresh in Web-Kit


I am working on a project where my team's Flash application is being displayed in another team's Web-Kit browser. We are experiencing a bug when a Flash Accordions selected index is changed; the web-page itself refreshes. Since this is a map-based application, this is unacceptable since the users Area of Interest is lost.

From my research so far, I understand that Flash uses "Deep-Linking" to set the state of the Flash App based on "fragments" in the url without actually refreshing the page. So, a change in the Accordion's selected index updates the url, and uses that url to do stuff without actually refreshing the page.

Since this is not a problem in any other browser (FF,IE,Chrome,Safari), the incompatibility seems to be with the Deep-Linking and the Web-Kit. Both teams are actively troubleshooting, but time is running out. Does anyone know of a method to disable the url from changing while still achieving the desired result (i.e. the accordion still changes panels)?

Best Answer

Try setting the historyManagementEnabled property of the Accordion to false.

Livedocs page for the Accordion class.

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