Flex 3 accordion component and rounded corners


Im using the accordion component in Flex and cant seem to get the header to have rounded corners. The footer rounds no problem but the header remnains square, any suggestions?

Best Answer

Here's an in-depth example from Doug McCune showing how to customize the Accordion control, with accompanying source code and explanation, in which he does something similar. While the specifics will depend on what you're trying to do, essentially you need to re-skin the button and/or selection skins of the accordion-item header.

Skinning can be a bit tricky, one of those things that seems like it ought to be easier than it is (and personally I find using Flash for skinning to be a pain for all but the simplest situations; I much prefer to do it in code or markup), but if you spend a little time with the code in the example I'm sure you'll see what's going on and be able to apply to your project. Hope it helps -- good luck!