Flex 3 keyboard event handling

apache-flexevent handlingflex3keyboardkeyboard shortcuts

I'd like to arrange things so that I have a chain of keyboard event handlers in my flex application, all of whom are queried when key down events occur. Basically, when a visual component is on screen, it is a candidate for handling a key press event. Something like this (clearly this is pseudocode):

<application handles_keys="F5, F6">
        <tab1 handles_keys="pgup, pgdn">
            <control handles_keys="0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9" />
        <tab2 handles_keys="pgup, left, right"/>

I have a class written that will respond to the key events the way I want it to, so how do I register one or more instances of this class to have the results I want? Also, note that there are some situations where this class should receive events that would ordinarily be handled by a UI component. The TAB key is the main example; I have a few cases where I want my key down event handler to fire even when the focus is on a text field.

Best Answer

The way you have your pseudocode setup right now, you'd have to subclass all the different containers and add a handles_key property to each one. You may want to externalize the functionality to a separate class like this:

<KeyHandler target="{tab1}" handlesKeys="pgup,left,right"/>

As for actually catching the events, you'll need to add a KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN listener on the UIComponent you're wanting to listen to. You'll need to set the useCapture argument of addEventListener() to true as well. This will let you capture the event and prevent it instead of the event hitting the object and bubbling up.

target.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, target_onKeyDown, true);

Inside your target_onKeyDown event, check to see if you have a match for one of your keys you want to handle and if there is a match, call event.stopImmediatePropagation() or event.preventDefault() depending on what you need to do.

The Flex 3 Language Reference gives a good explanation of event propagation and keyboard events:
