R – Flex application to component


I have an application built in Flex Builder 3. It has a fair amount of mxml and as3 code which uses some other custom compenents. I have looked at the documentation on building components which shows how to make a simple mxml or action script component that extends something like a combobox, but I'm lost as to how to take a whole existing and independently functioning Application and turn it into a reusable component.

Basically, I'd just like to create multiple instances of this app inside of another flex project.

Anyone able to provide a little guidance?

Best Answer

The easy thing to do is to swap the Application mxml tag with a VBox tag...thus making it act like a component.

e.g. If this were your application:

<mx:Appliction xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml">
    <mx:Label text = "foo" />

change it to:

    <mx:Label text = "foo" />

and then you can do something like this:

    <local:Foo />


You may have to make some public properties if you need to pass in any data to the component...

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