R – Flex builder and multiple and potentially duplicated projects in the same work space


Is it possible have two projects with the same name in flex builder?

Here is the scenario






are more or less the same tree structure and duplicates of the same codebase.

I am using git to manage them as separate repositories. I can do some stuff in the myprojectdev folder and then occasionally merge changes over to the myprojectstable folder when I am satisfied. But I want to keep code from myprojectstable in my working space in flex builder to be able to launch it and occasionally compare the code between dev and stable. I may also want to open different versions of the same project codebase and compare them in the working environment. The problem is that in both folders the "ProjectName" is the same. And so I can't import both into my Flex Builder workspace. I get the warning

A project with the same name already
exists in your workspace. Rename or
delete the existing project.

But I don't want to rename the project or mess with its folder structure. What do I do? Do I have to keep these in different folders? e.g.



Best Answer

You can rename a project (in eclipse/flex builder) without actually renaming the folder it is in. Edit the .project file in your ProjectNameDev and ProjectNameDev to give the projects different names. You might need to restart eclipse to get it to recognize the new name.

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