R – Flex Channel Security Error while logging into two different domains from single app


i need to connect to two different domains from a single flex application.
the problem is the domain other than the current hosted domain is unable to login.

letz say i hosted the application at LOCAL server. im able to login to the local server .
From the existing application i need a login to the MAIN server too. The problem comes up here.

flash security is not allowing login to MAIN server.
in crossdomain we allow-access-from MAIN server. but i want access to the MAIN server from LOCAL server.

is ther nything i need to put extra in crossdomain.xml ?

plz i need a solution!!


Best Answer

You need to put a crossdomain.xml on your "MAIN" server and allow-access-from "LOCAL"; you don't need to put a crossdomain.xml on the server where your SWF is hosted. The cross domain file is intended to be placed on a 3rd party server to indicate that SWFs hosted from particular domains have permission to access its services.

Another short explanation is here:


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