R – Flex component visibility on application


Is there a way to tell at runtime if a flex UIComponent is in the user's view or not.
For example, if I have a tabNavigator with a combobox on each tab, is there a property of the comboBox that will tell me if it is visible to the user or not when I switch from one tab to another?
I know it is not the comboBox.visible property. That is set to "true" for both comboboxes. I want a property that will change when I switch from one tab to another making the comboBox visible to the user. I don't know what that property is.

Best Answer

What you actually need to do to determine if a UIComponent / DisplayObject truly visible is to check the "visible" property for that object AND the visible property of all its parents. Please see my answer to a related question here (includes code):

Flex: Determine if a component is showing

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