R – Flex Drag and resize


I need to draw Line, Circle, and rectangle by mouse drag on canvas and then i need to to move and resize the drawn shapes.
How i can perform this in flex as i am new on this platform.
Please suggest me the method or refer any example with source to make it understand to me.
Please Help.
Thanks in Advance.

Best Answer

There is no such native feature in Flex. But, there are a couple of options, commercial and not:

http://www.rogue-development.com/objectHandles.html (free) http://www.flashcomguru.com/components/flex_whiteboard/whiteboard_demo/ (payed)

You can do it by hand, if you wish, it's not very hard. I advice you to use Degrafa (http://degrafa.org/) for the actual drawing since it is way easier than native drawing API and it is opensource.

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