R – Flex profiling – what is [enterFrameEvent] doing


I've been tasked with finding (and potentially fixing) some serious performance problems with a Flex application that was delivered to us. The application will consistently take up 50 to 100% of the CPU at times when it is simply idling and shouldn't be doing anything.

My first step was to run the profiler that comes with FlexBuilder. I expected to find some method that was taking up most of the time, showing me where the bottleneck was. However, I got something unexpected.

The top 4 methods were:

  • [enterFrameEvent] – 84% cumulative, 32% self time
  • [reap] – 20% cumulative and self time
  • [tincan] – 8% cumulative and self time
  • global.isNaN – 4% cumulative and self time

All other methods had less than 1% for both cumulative and self time.

From what I've found online, the [bracketed methods] are what the profiler lists when it doesn't have an actual Flex method to show. I saw someone claim that [tincan] is the processing of RTMP requests, and I assume [reap] is the garbage collector.

Does anyone know what [enterFrameEvent] is actually doing? I assume it's essentially the "main" function for the event loop, so the high cumulative time is expected. But why is the self time so high? What's actually going on? I didn't expect the player internals to be taking up so much time, especially since nothing is actually happening in the app (and there are no UI updates going on).

Is there any good way to find dig into what's happening? I know something is going on that shouldn't be (it looks like there must be some kind of busy wait or other runaway loop), but the profiler isn't giving me any results that I was expecting. My next step is going to be to start adding debug trace statements in various places to try and track down what's actually happening, but I feel like there has to be a better way.

Best Answer

Theres a couple things that typically happen on an enterframe Handler within a flex project. Some things to watch for

  1. Manual < mycomponent enterFrame="" > event responses or ones added manually via component.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, myfunc)

  2. callLater() calls, these happen ALOT in the framework and can be byproduct of jumping down any number of rabbit holes, developers tend to use these alot to solve timing related problems and sometimes bad code can cause these to continue calling every frame. For example, there are ~120 occurrences of a calllater() in the latest flex sdk build.

  3. lastly, I can't guarantee that the [enterframeEvent] handles just enterframe specific event callbacks, and not timers, mouse, etc.. events, since enterframes occur during the main event loop, you may be seeing the cumulative result of all events firing from the main event pool. I'm not saying this IS whats happening, but I can't say it ISN'T whats happening either, I don't know enough about the internals there to be sure.

/edit also as stated earlier, the [enterFrameEvent] should technically fire internally at the start of each frame, but it shouldn't be doing anything unless events have been explicitly attached to it to execute user code.

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