R – flexunit with pure ActionScript project in Flex Builder 3


If you create a pure ActionScript project in Flex Builder 3 and want to do unit testing using flexunit, what is the best option?

The built-in Flex builder will refuse to build the mxml file containing the TestRunnerBase component as it is a pure ActionScript project (no Flex allowed). It is impossible to add the mxml file to the "ActionScript Applications" list in the project settings.

Right now I can see two options, both undesirable.

  1. Add the unit testing mxml file to the project and create an external tool setup to build and run it. This is the approach I'm taking now, and it works fine, except that interactive debugging is impossible.
  2. Create a new Flex project just for the test mxml file and add the main project's src directory as an additional source directory in the build options. I don't like this approach because it requires that I keep the mxml file in a separate directory tree from all the other source files in addition to the ugliness of maintaining two projects.

Best Answer

There's always ASUnit.

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