Force Log4Net RollingFileAppender to roll


According to the Log4Net documentation, the RollingFileAppender will only roll the log file when a message is logged. I need to log to this file, but import it every day into another database. I cannot use a database appender because I need the files and I have to translate the data from the log file to the database (it isn't a direct copy). The problem is if there is no log activity after midnight, the log doesn't roll. The importer looks for the previous days file (and I can't change this code), so if there is no activity and the log hasn't rolled, the importer doesn't find the file. Is there anyway to force the log to roll at midnight without having another thread that wakes up and forces it to roll? Could a custom appender do this? I would like to avoid this if possible.

Best Answer

Write a Windows Service that fires an event just after midnight that writes a dummy log entry using the same configuration.

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