R – Form.Show not showing up in Taskbar in Vista


I have a winform app that is hiding it's UI and waiting on a named pipe message before showing up
On receiving the event the thread invokes into the main UI thread and then does the following

Set the opacity to 100
ShowInTaskbar = true;

ON Windows Vista the window does not show up on the taskbar though and the window is in the background . YOu cant say it
if you finally find it and click on it, it shows up on the taskbar

any ideas on how to fix this

Best Answer

i don't work in vista but it might be better just to flash the taskbar or do a ballon popup or something like that. What your suggesting maybe a bit annoying to a user. Say there typing away and there looking at the keyboard and your window has stolen the focus they look back and find what they just wrote hasn't gone into the app they thought it was going into.like this.

flashing the task bar

this might help also

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