R – General tips and techniques for minimizing the size of Flex applications


I really like the Flex framework, however I routinely deal with SWF files that are ~ 500KB.

I don't know at what point a file considered to be "too big" to be served on the internet, but I would assume that a 500KB download just to use a web application would certainly annoy some users.

Are there any tips or techniques on reducing the size of compiled SWFS?

As a side note, the 500KB SWF file really isn't that big of application…

Best Answer

This might help you: http://www.onflex.org/ted/2008/01/flex-3-framework-caching.php

Chances are the user has already encountered the packaged framework before, so it would be cached. At the very least they won't have to load it from your site again.

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