R – Get bitmap of an web page using WebBrowser Control in .net compact framework


I am trying out to get the bitmap of web page loaded in web browser control, but found that WebBrowser.CreateGraphics() and even WM_PRINT (DrawToBitmap) message response is also missing in .net compact framework.

After searching through internet found one of the .net sample code which gets complete web page in bitmap

When i tried porting it through compact framework for windows mobile 6.0 found that most of the API and methods missing.

How should i go ahead with it…

Any help in this regard will greatly appreciated.
Thanks- Ramanand Bhat

Best Answer

I've tried to take a snapshot of a web page via an asp.net application. I guess parts of that exercise would be useful to you.

You'd be interested in these 2 links: http://deostroll.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!428DAD5E3A907C31!181.entry

Hope this helps

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