Google-maps – Get exact geo coordinates along an entire route, Google Maps or OpenStreetMap

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Suppose I have a route defined from one town to another. From the Google Maps API I can recover a route between the two. However, the route returned from Google is a driving route that includes geo-coordinates only at places where there is another step in a leg (for example, where I have to turn from one highway to another).

What I need is geo-locations (lat/long) along the entire route, at specific intervals (for example, every 1/4 mile or 100m).

Is there a way to accomplish this via the Google Maps API / web services?

Or would the OpenStreetMap database be the way to do it?

Kind regards,

Best Answer

OSRM gives you routes with road geometries as they are in the OpenStreetMap database. For example, you can get the route as GPX (and post-process this file if you want). This would look like the following:


Read more: OSRM API docs.

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