R – Get the status of a live stream for a VideoDisplay control


I'm looking for a way to find the status of a live stream through a VideoDisplay (or any other method really). I am interested to know if the stream is currently being published to or if the publisher has stopped. This is for a Flex/Flash ActionScript 3 project.

Is there a way to do this or is this ANOTHER oversight by adobe?

flex flash adobe adobe-flex actionscript

Best Answer

I've only found one solution, and that's using the NetStream object in combination with a video control.

The video control must be manually added to an

nsListen = new NetStream(nc);
nsListen.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, nsListenHandler);

var v:Video = new Video();

Finally, the event status is returned in nsListenHandler:

private function nsListenHandler(e:Event):void
    if(e is NetStatusEvent)
        var nse:NetStatusEvent = NetStatusEvent(e);
        if(nse.info.code == "NetStream.Play.Failed")
            // Big error.

        if(nse.info.code == "NetStream.Play.PublishNotify")
            // Stream has just been published

        if(nse.info.code == "NetStream.Play.UnpublishNotify")
            // Stream has just been unpublished


Only this code wont do is tell you if a stream is already successfully being published to.