Facebook – Get username field in Facebook Graph API 2.0


The "old" Facebook Graph API had a "username" field which could be used to create a human-readable profile URL. My username for example is "sebastian.trug" which results in a Facebook profile URL http://www.facebook.com/sebastian.trug.

With Graph API 2.0 Facebook has removed the "username" field from the user data as retrieved from "/me".

Is there any way to get this data via the 2.0 API or is the "username" now being treated as a deprecated field?

Best Answer

Facebook got rid of the username because the username is one way of sending emails via Facebook.

For example, given the url http://www.facebook.com/sebastian.trug

the corresponding Facebook email would be sebastian.trug@facebook.com

which, if emailed, would be received to messages directly (if the message setting is set to public), otherwise to the other inbox.